Thursday, February 15, 2007


I'm taking a break from my normal studying routine. I'm at Panera studying...well, actually, I guess I'm technically taking a break from that for the moment, too.

It's nice. I needed the change in scenery. I can't study at school...the rooms are too small. Studying at my apartment is okay, except after not seeing people or putting on make-up or fixing my hair or really doing anything except studying for several days, I needed to get out.

If you go to Panera, I suggest the Peanut Butter Banana Crunch bagel with plain cream cheese (I go for low fat). And I'm enjoying British Breakfast tea...I'm not quite sure why it's not English breakfast, but it's good and warm and satisfying...and I'm in front of the fireplace curled up on a comfy brown leather couch. This is great.

Okay...back to studying...the thyroid...the parathyroids...the pituitary...the pancreas...the kidneys...the bones...the hypothalamus...the adrenals.

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