Monday, February 12, 2007


5:15 AM - My alarm goes off. I hop out of bed to go turn it off as I think to myself...silly Jeanine, you forgot to turn your alarm off on a Saturday morning, and then I climb back in bed.

5:20 AM - I sit straight up in bed as I realize it's not Saturday. It's Monday morning, and I have an exam at 8.

Happy Monday, everyone!


Alyssa said...

Yikes! I'm glad you realized it before you missed your exam! :)

Keziah said...

5.15? Ouch - that can't have been pleasant to get up for! How did the exam go?

Jeanine said...

The exam went well. It's been interesting to see the change in the exams as I've progressed through medical school. In the beginning, I was tested on facts...could I memorize new things. I'm no longer tested on facts. Many of the things that show up on exams are not necessarily diseases/disorders/process that we discussed in class or in the readings, but I have learned to take what I have learned and apply it to other analyze what I know and apply it in a new way. I love it!