Thursday, April 03, 2008

I wish I had unlimited income...

If I had unlimited income, I would never again have to tell a patient, "I'm sorry but your insurance doesn't cover that treatment," or "I'm sorry but you don't qualify for a transplant (or chemo or a certain clinic) because there's no funding."

If I had unlimited income, I would build a hospital where treatments are free...where regardless of your income or insurance you would be treated to the best of our abilities.

If you're wondering, yes, I'm an's not going to happen, but my heart goes out to patients when we have to tell them that they don't qualify for treatments or therapy because of a lack of money.


Keziah said...

It is hearing stories like this that makes me very thankful for the National Health Service in the UK.

Jeanine said...

I admit that some parts of the NHS are great, but there are parts of the US system that I don't want to give up.