Monday, February 04, 2008

Quick Obedience

I had the honor of spending the weekend with one of my college roommates and her family. She and her husband have two beautiful little girls. Anna is 22 months, and Abigail is 2 and a half months. Needless to say that their house is full of activity. Catching up with Angela was fantastic, and her husband even took care of both of the girls so that we could get in some "girl-time." It's amazing to see friends grow up. I knew Angela when we used to fight about her running late or me being way too obsessive on how clean the house needed to be...but through the years we've both grown.

While I was visiting, I got to experience quite a bit...the girls' bedtimes, mealtimes, playtime, and even Angela and Ryan's style of disciplining. I must admit that I had to applaud my friend. Even at the age of 22 months, I can tell that godly principles are being instilled in Anna. One of the phrases I heard was "Mommy and Daddy desire quick obedience just as your Father in heaven desires quick obedience." Amazing...bringing godly principles down to an almost 2 year old's level.

God does desire quick obedience.

To obey is better than sacrifice. - 1 Samuel 15:22

He desires quick obedience from us, too.

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