Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Time to breathe...

The pace of life is so fast. So many things have to be done every day that more often than not they become tasks instead of blessings. I realized this while watering my plants this evening. My thought was I'll take a 10 minute study break to water my plants...like it was just a task to check off for the day.

But then I got out there. My gardenia is in full bloom...the fragrance is nothing short of amazing. My morning glories and snap-dragons are vibrant with color and full of life. My tomato plants have more than 50 tomatoes between the two of them (and they're not cherry tomatoes). And then there's my hibiscuses...their blooms absolutely take my breath away.

They may be my plants, but God has made them, and He made them beautiful. He made them to show His glory and to remind me of Himself.

Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for the little moments where You remind me to take time to enjoy Your creation. Thank you for leading me beside a quiet water, even just for a moment, so that I could breathe Your fragrance in deep.


Sarah said...

Wow, this really inspired me (even at 12:45 AM -- yes, I am on call and am waiting for a CXR to come back). God is teaching me something very similar right now; I've actually learned to be thankful for unpacking and cleaning b/c it reminds me of how much He has blessed me with the new house.

Do you live in a house? Where are all your plants? I'm REALLY interested in starting a little garden in our backyard, but I don't know how to begin!

Alyssa said...

I'm glad you were able to listen! Enjoy them! :)