Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I got a new pager!

The only page I've received other than from myself was a wrong number. Yes, I realize that's kind of sad, but I only page myself when I can't find my pager...I'm required to have it for school. Anyway, I lost my old pager, and when I went in to get a new one, I got a nifty alpha numeric one. Yay, I'm catching up with the times.

Now, if I could just get a real page...


Jen said...

Very cool, Dr. Jeanine! :-) Ok, well, almost Dr. Jeanine! Don't page yourself too often...you'll start losing your mind. :-) I'm tired...not making much sense, am I? Take care!!

Sarah said...

You better be careful what you wish for ... My husband used to page me when I was a 3rd year as a way to flirt before we started dating. ;)

Jeanine said...

I have to admit that I don't think I would mind a flirt-page every now and then :)